Aren’t All Chiropractors The Same?


One of our pet peeves is when we, as chiropractors, get lumped in with all other chiropractors. While we share the same profession as our colleagues, that’s where a lot of the similarity ends. The purpose of this blog is to emphasize a few of these differences.

Two Types of Chiropractors

A good way to separate chiropractors is into the following two categories: 1) Traditional, “Philosophy-Based” Chiropractors (not us) and 2) Progressive, Evidence-Based Chiropractors (totally us). To help differentiate the groups, we’re comparing how a chiropractor in each category typically addresses various parts of patient encounters and treatment. Let’s get started.

Treatment plans

Traditional Chiropractic: Often very generic or even the same for every patient (i.e. 3x/week for 1 month, 2x/week for 1 month, 1x/week for 1 month)
Evidence Based Chiropractic: Individualized for the patient and their condition (some conditions take only 1-2 visits, same may take up to 12+ visits)

Length of Treatment Plans

Traditional Chiropractic: Lifelong (Often want you to return even if pain free for “maintenance” care)
Evidence Based Chiropractic: Treat and release, (“maintenance” is staying active, eating healthy and living life).


Traditional Chiropractic: Very general. Often use terms like “vertebral subluxation complex.” This is a “condition” that has never been proven to exist, and the term is rejected by chiropractic associations in many countries (unfortunately, not the U.S., yet)
Evidence Based Chiropractic: Specific to your condition and examination findings. However, it’s important to realize that “diagnosis” is not as important as a proper classification. See this article: Have pain? Your diagnosis doesn’t matter!


Traditional Chiropractic: General, often X-ray of entire body. Or unscientific “scans”.
Evidence Based Chiropractic: Specific to your condition, looking at the area of pain and upstream and downstream of the pain to look at what may have caused the pain.


Traditional Chiropractic: Generally only adjustments
Evidence Based Chiropractic: Adjustments, exercise therapy, muscle therapy, nutrition, ergonomics, patient education

Reasons for Choosing Treatment

Traditional Chiropractic: Doctor’s “philosophy.”
Evidence Based Chiropractic: 1) Patient’s needs and goals 2) Research showing which methods are effective

Patient’s Role In Treatment Plan

Traditional Chiropractic: Passive (Doctor treats you)
Evidence Based Chiropractic: Active (team approach between Doctor and patient to obtain patient goals)

So, there you have it. If you feel like you benefit from treatment from an evidence based chiropractor, please contact our office in Prairie Village. We’d be happy to help you overcome your pain!